Land use

Unasylva No. 230
Vol. 59, 2008/1

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2008

Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board:
F. Castañeda, R. Czudek, T. Hofer, D. Kneeland, A. Perlis, L. Russo, T. Vahanen, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche
Regional Advisers:
F. Bojang, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné, K. Prins

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Editorial (Download- 53 KB)

R.M. Martin
Deforestation, land-use change and REDD (Download- 310 KB)

C. Azevedo-Ramos
Sustainable development and challenging deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: the good, the bad and the ugly (Download- 247 KB)

L. Usongo and J. Nagahuedi
Participatory land-use planning for priority landscapes of the Congo Basin (Download- 249 KB)

O. Dubois
Making sure that biofuel development benefits small farmers and communities (Download- 231 KB)

Do biofuels help mitigate climate change? (Download- 102 KB)

What effect will biofuels have on forest land and poor people’s access to it? (Download- 84 KB)

P. Bhattacharya, R. Prasad, R. Bhattacharyya and A. Asokan
Towards certification of wild medicinal and aromatic plants in four Indian states (Download- 349 KB)

R. Panwar and E. Hansen
Corporate social responsibility in forestry (Download- 152 KB)

P. Hurtado
Corporate social responsibility for successful business: an example from Latin America (Download- 111 KB)

FAO Forestry (Download- 126 KB)
World of Forestry (Download- 103 KB)
Books (Download- 166 KB)